Geostrategy-Direct Top officials in China are said to be concerned that special prosecutor Robert Mueller could extend his investigation of Russia’s alleged meddling in the 2016 U.S. election to (more…)
Geostrategy-Direct The Pentagon’s annual report on the Chinese military reverses decades of U.S. intelligence reporting that said Beijing had no ambitions of projecting military power beyond preparing for a (more…)
Geostrategy-Direct Russia’s President has a new BFF [best friend forever], Prime Minster Narendra Modi of India who arrived in St. Petersburg on May 31 as Russia’s “Most Distinguished Guest” (more…)
Geostrategy-Direct Ignoring China’s warnings, a U.S. Navy warship sailed within 12 nautical miles of a Chinese artificial island in the South China Sea, U.S. officials said on May 24. (more…)
Geostrategy-Direct From late 2010 until the end of 2012, China killed or jailed at least a dozen CIA sources and crippled the agency’s intelligence gathering efforts in China for (more…)
Geostrategy-Direct China has made the THAAD deployment a litmus test for future bilateral relationship with South Korea. The new president in Seoul has however not been straightforward about what (more…)
Geostrategy-Direct Chinese President Xi Jinping’s personal and political objected may have been disrupted by his belligerent neighbor in North Korea and a new American president, but his primary focus (more…)
Geostrategy-Direct Chinese cyber attacks on South Korea are nothing new, but the number and intensity of attacks have increased after Seoul’s deployment of the U.S.-made THAAD missile-defense system, specialists (more…)
Geostrategy-Direct China’s Supreme Leader Xi Jinping met his match at Mar-a-Lago in West Palm Beach, Florida when the two leaders met for the first time representing their respective countries. (more…)