CAIRO — Al Qaida has been suspected of working with the Muslim Brotherhood to infiltrate Egypt’s police and security forces. Officials said a series of bombings and shooting against (more…)
TEL AVIV — Saudi Arabia and Kuwait have been supporting the Al Qaida-led Sunni revolt in Iraq, a report said. The Institute for National Security Studies asserted that Kuwait (more…)
NICOSIA — Lebanon has exposed an Al Qaida network linked to attacks on the Iranian-sponsored Hizbullah. Prosecutors have identified 21 people, most of them foreign nationals, as members of (more…)
LONDON — Al Qaida has opened a new front in North Africa, a report said. The Portuguese Institute of International Relations and Security asserted that Al Qaida Organization in (more…)
CAIRO — Egypt has blamed the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip for supplying weapons that downed an attack helicopter in the Sinai Peninsula. Officials said the Gaza Strip has become a (more…)
GAZA CITY — Iran continues to favor its Palestinian proxy over the Hamas movement. Palestinian sources said Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps was relaying tens of millions of dollars (more…)
ABU DHABI — The U.S. Navy has warned its personnel of Shi’ite attacks in Bahrain. The U.S. Navy’s Fifth Fleet has issued an alert of an imminent Shi’ite insurgency (more…)
CAIRO — Islamist rebels have been struck hard by the Egyptian military in the turbulent Sinai Peninsula. The Egyptian military said 16 Islamist rebels were killed in a strike (more…)
LONDON — Al Qaida’s leading militia in Iraq and Syria has developed independent sources of financing. Arab diplomatic sources said the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant broke away (more…)